Thursday, May 23, 2013


The world is not as it seems and some things just don't add up when it comes to the Woolwich killings. Here are the facts. A soldier is beheaded barely 100 metres from his own army barracks on a four point crossroad at precisely the spot where the 4 roads meet. This happened at exactly 3.00pm in the afternoon.

The killers then conduct their own impromptu press conference, knives and meat cleavers in hand, with random members of the public whilst they were soaked and dripping in blood. After this they calmly waited for the police to arrive and they refused to run. According to eye-witnesses (and I watched the footage) the police took 30 minutes to get to the scene and confront them and not the 9 minutes that the authorities are claiming. 

When the police eventually arrived instead of surrendering peacefull or attempting to run away the two young men charged at them brandishing their their knives and meat cleavers and shooting at least one pistol. They were promptly shot and wounded. Before the police arrived a rather curious incident took place. A strange yet very courageous Scandanavian woman, who just happened to be sitting on a bus that was driving past, told the bus driver to stop, got off the bus and calmly walked over to the killers. She then proceeeded to have a detailed conversation with them asking them why they were doing what they were doing and assuring them that in the end they would lose the fight because it was ''just them against many''. 

Is this not a rather curious encounter? Who really was that Scandanavian lady and who does she really work for? Is she a genuine hero or is she what, in security and intelligence circles, is known as a controller? Is she part of the system? So many questions still need to be asked and answered. Again why did the police take so long before responding? Why were the killers given all the time in the world to even conduct a graphic, loud and unofficial press conference in the streets with members of the public after beheading and carving up the young soldier? 

Even more curiously the police and intelligence agencies have now admitted that these two young men were "known to them". If that were the case how come they were never put under close surveillance, monitored, questioned or arrested? Why did all this have to take place at exactly 3.00pm in the afternoon, at that location (a crossroads of four junctions) and on that date? Why did the assailants have to cut off their victims head, hang around there for thirty minutes whilst ranting and whilst soaked and covered in their victims blood? Why did the killers insist that only women could come near the dying body of their victim? Why was this whole thing allowed to happen and to drag onlike this for 30 minutes uninterrupted by the authorities? Why did the police refuse to move in even though numerous members of the public were having detailed conversations with the assailants? 

Was this whole thing some kind of state-sponsored illuminati-style human sacrifice? Was it designed to create more terror in the land and give the authorities the opportunity to introduce more draconian laws, curb immigration and do away with civil liberties on the grounds that they wish to fight the very terror that they themselves created. Are we not being fooled again by the state just as we were over 9-11 which was clearly an inside job. Are there not clear parallels here with the Boston bombings and the two Boston bombers which took place just a few weeks ago. Both operations were conducted by 2 Americans and 2 British citizens respectively in full public glare. Both sets of killers were muslim fundamentalists and both sets were ''known to the intelligence agencies''. 

Things just don't add uo here. And I can assure you that the British police and intelligence agencies are NOT this sloppy. There is far more to this whole thing than meets the eye and there is also a sinister purpose and agenda to it. The full picture has not yet been shown to us and perhaps it never will. Is it possible that those two boys were under some kind of Peter Powers-type hypnosis or new and sophisticated mind-control system which was triggered off by their controller or the intelligence agencies? Were they programmed and used by the the agents of the illuminati in the British authorities to carry out this gruesome operation and this sacrifice? It is relevant and interesting to note that both suspects were British citizens of Nigerian descent and they were both muslim CONVERTS. Will this whole episode not give the western powers and the British people another reason to demonise islam and target mosques and muslim clerics? Is that part of the plan and the wider picture? Is the whole idea to create the atmosphere for vicious reprisal attracks against muslims and Nigerians? 

Is all that I have written here far-fetched and impossible? Possibly. But I don't think so though. Even if you do not agree with me on everything that I have said these questions have at least provided some food for thought. As far as I am concerned only David Icke can crack this one and I can't wait till he does. Meanwhile I urge every Nigerian that is resident in the UK, especially if they are muslims, to be exceptionally careful in their movements and with their dealings with the British people and the authorities. There is FAR more to this whole thing than meets the eye and whether anyone likes to admit it or not there will be some kind of backlash.

As for the two British boys of Nigerian descent that slew down and took the life of a brave young British soldier in his prime for doing absolutely nothing wrong, may they die a slow and terrible death and may they rot in hell.

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